Are you Tongue-tied or Lip-tied?
Do you experience any of the following?
- Snoring
- Headaches or migraines
- Head, neck, or shoulder muscle tension
- Speech issues, to include slurred speech, lazy speech, tired speech, vocal fatigue, mumbling, or articulation problems
- Bad gag reflex
- Sleep Apnea
Does your child have any of the following issues?
- An inability to breastfeed
- Gas, colic, and/or reflux, including silent reflux or vomiting
- Poor / slow weight gain OR failure to thrive
- Makes a clicking sound while nursing
- Inefficient latch or feedings
- Can't maintain a latch / slides off the nipple
- Unsatisfied hunger after feedings
- Gumming or chewing on the nipple
- Falling asleep at the breast too soon
- Unable to hold a pacifier
- Difficulties with a bottle - refuses, leaking, dribbling, choking, hacking, coughing, gagging, clicking
- Dental decay / cavities
- Any kind of speech issues, including delayed speech
Do you, the mother, experience any of the following?
- Post-partum depression or feelings of guilt
- Severe pain with latch-on
- Continued pain during nursing
- Incomplete breast drainage
- Oversupply OR Undersupply
- Mastitis
- Thrush
- Infected nipples
- Reoccurring plugged ducts
- Having to use a nipple shield
- Nipple trauma, to include sore, cracked, bleeding, bruised, blanched, flattened, creased, or lipstick-shaped nipples
If you can answer YES to some of these questions, you or your child may be tongue-tied or lip-tied and may benefit from Laser Treatment by Dr. Brian A McMurtry.
Charlotte laser dentist, Dr. Brian McMurtry is a leader in the field of laser correction of tethered oral tissues. His passion comes from his youngest son dealing with tie issues.
Dr. McMurtry has the knowledge and experience to help you or your child through this journey. Give our Charlotte, NC office a call today to schedule an appointment to see how Dr. McMurtry and his team can help.
Our phone number is 704-392-3883
In addition, please goto the FORMS page and send them to our office.
Thank you for visiting our site, and we look forward to helping you and/or your child soon